Bottega del Mondo Brunico

Twigga, or the giraffe

The resettlement

Astrid Aichner-Rigo and Josef Rigo from 1985-1987 were development aid workers in Tanzania.
After her return, they tried to found a fair trade shop. With the material and moral support of the Third World Group Brunico and the Weltladen Sand in Taufers, in 1991 they called into being the association "Third World Shop Twigga St. Lorenzen".

In 1993, the opening of a small shop in St. Lorenzen followed. On the shop sign, the association wrote its name "Twigga", which means Giraffe. The long neck of the giraffe symbolizes the looking beyond the own borders and interests, and openness to the beauty and problems of the world.
Despite brisk business and many activities, the conviction prevailed that a move to the bigger town of Brunico was necessary. In 1993, the Executive Board took the decision.

Finally, after a long search, many hopes and disappointments, the association in 1997 succeeded to move to the Seeböckhaus in the Brunecker Oberstadt where the Weltladen Twigga is today.


  • Social Cooperative for fair and solidary trade
    Bottega del Mondo Brunico "Twigga"
    Via Oberragen 2
    39031 Brunico
    Cod. Ide. SDI: 000 000 0
  • +39 0474 410226



Amministrazione Trasparente Brunico | Bilanciosociale Bottega del Mondo Brunico 2023 2022 2021 2020 | Informativa sulla privacy clienti - fornitori - richiedenti