Bottega del Mondo Vipiteno

Fair Trade in Sterzing, too

The Weltladen Sterzing is one of the youngest Fair trade shops in South- Tyrol. The association "One - World Shop - Sterzing" was founded in late 1999. The store itself could be opened early 2000.
The shop emerged from the One World Group Sterzing. This association had already been operating for years, annually organized the soup Sunday, took part in the traditional Christmas market, led various conferences about fair trade in Sterzing and supported small projects in the South of the world.

The support of a volunteer at the Weltladen of Bressanone enabled the group to take part with the products of the Weltladen at the monthly markets in Sterzing. The Participation in the markets was a great success, and the association attracted new collaborators, new ideas and new courage.
On the 30 December 1999 the time was come: the association "One World Shop Sterzing" with ist ten members was established. The next step was to attract new employees, raising funds to organize the store and its daily activities.
On the 25 March 2000 the opening ceremony of the World Shop Sterzing took place. Now nothing hindered the sale and the fundamental informational and educational work.

Since August 1, 2021, we have been welcoming our customers to our new location in Via Città Vecchia nr. 5.


Bilanciosociale Bottega del Mondo Vipiteno 2023